Premium Partner Network

Our Partner Network consists of Premium niche websites that are powered by Giftomatic white label tools. 

  • AI powered product search engine
  • Recommender snippet that showcases products
  • Email inspiration service
  • Link optimizer

With our Partner network you can:

  • Reach thousands of highly motivated shoppers in niche verticals
  • Drive traffic and get additional sales
  • Showcase your product range with our premium positions
For a more in depth explanation and to see our Premium visibility possibilities you can download our Partner Network factsheet. 

About Giftomatic

Giftomatic is founded in The Netherlands in 2019 and has served over 1 million card holders. 250.000 times card holders have found a product via a Giftomatic tool.


Example implementations and partners are listed below.

Read more about Giftomatic on our about page.

Our Premium Partner Network

Over 500.000 visitors every single month
More than 1.500.000 page views per month

Current Giftomatic Partners

In The Netherlands